Philologia Serbica 2022-03-25T14:25:44+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p>Philologia Serbica</p> THE SIGNIFICANCE OF A COMPARATIVE APPROACH IN THE STUDY OF ORAL LITERATURE 2022-03-25T14:22:03+00:00 Danijela S. Mitrović <p>The focus of this paper will be the exploration of the significance of a comparative approach in the study of oral literature. The overview of the development of comparative literature from its roots as established in Goethe’s letters to Eckermann as early as the 19th century, as well as the theories of the creation of oral literature will be utilised to follow the unfolding of comparative literature thought, but also the ways in which it accompanied the study of oral literature. From the Romanticist philosophy, to different theories (Mythological, Migration and Anthropological) and methods (Historical-Geographic), to the very precise analytical approach of Milman Parry and Albert Lord’s <em>oral-formulaic theory, </em>which stemmed from the Homeric Question, we will indicate the advantages of this approach in oral literature study, but also the potential setbacks and pitfalls which are to be avoided promptly. The aim of this paper is to make an analysis of the ways in which the comparative thought has evolved, what its current stage of development is and what implications this has for oral literature study.</p> 2021-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 LEXICAL-SEMANTIC FIELD „FAMILY” AND SLAVONIC POSSESSIVE FORMS 2022-03-25T10:52:45+00:00 Radmilo N. Marojević <p>This study deals with the possessive forms in a lexical‑se‑mantic field „family‑kinship terms” as follows: a) possessive suffix ‑<em>ьńь</em>, b) attrubutive possessive categories, i.e. possessives, both those that have the meaning of possessum and also those having the meaning of possessor, c) possessive derivatives in a range of the names according to the husband and d) possessive derivatives in the range of the feminine patronymics.</p> <p>The suffix ‑<em>јь </em>was also described in this study in a range of adjectives (nomina adiectiva) and in a range of possessives (nomina possessivа), which was added to the original suffix ‑<em>ьnъ </em>for the sake of functional strenghthening and as an ex‑pression of the sufixical model of the given epoch.</p> <p>Using the suffix ‑<em>ьńь </em>for deriving possessives (so‑called possessive adjectives) from the nouns that constitute the lexical‑semantic field „family‑kinship terms”, the aforementioned lexical‑semantic field gained its specific grammatical feature.</p> 2021-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 ANTHROPOCENTRISM IN THE STRUCTURE AND DESCRIPTION OF LANGUAGE 2022-03-25T13:57:32+00:00 Milivoj B. Alanović <p>Although the connection between language, meaning and culture has been dealt with on several occasions in Serbian linguistics, we thought it appropriate to point out several examples of the lexical-grammatical structure of the Serbian language that illustrate the anthropocentric view of relations in the world immediately surrounding man.</p> <p>In order to realise our intention, we opted for verb constructions in which we can see the semantic transition from the original to the secondary domains, where the original domain primarily indicates the state of affairs typical of man or living beings in general.</p> 2021-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 ON CASE SYNTAX IN SERBIAN SPEECHES OF ŠIPOVO 2022-03-25T14:00:22+00:00 Slađana M. Cukut <p>This paper singles out frequency occurrences from the use of cases which mark Serbian speeches of Šipovo in the southwest of Republic of Srpska and in the west of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and individual constructions which do not occur frequently, but they can direct to relations with closer or farther related speeches. It is common to both constructions that in contemporary language they have a status of archaisms, and some of them were never standard.</p> 2021-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 THE LANGUAGE BETWEEN YOUTUBERS AND BOOMERS: TENDENCIES, NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS IN THE SERBIAN LANGUAGE 2022-03-25T14:03:25+00:00 Goran B. Milašin <p>This paper analyses new words and expressions used in the Serbian language. The main aims of the paper are to register and describe typical language units in young people’s speech today, then to examine the impact of technology, the Internet and new types of communication on the structure of the Serbian lexicon, and to try to identify some tendencies and processes in the contemporary Serbian language. The corpus on which the research was conducted was collected in 2019 and 2020, and it consists of 1500 utterances excerpted from online social networks, primarily Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Based on the analysis of selected new words and expressions, it was determined that young people’s speech today is changing rapidly under the influence of globalization and the English language, especially at the lexical level. It has also been established that in latest metaphors and comparisons, new technology and the Internet are appearing more and more often in the role of source domains, as an integral part of modern culture.</p> 2021-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 THE METAPHOR OF FAMILY AS UTILISED IN DENOTING THE INTER-STATE RELATIONS BETWEEN THE REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA AND THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA 2022-03-25T14:06:06+00:00 Aleksandra R. Savić <p>This paper analyses the family metaphor in the political discourse of the Republic of Srpska and the Republic of Serbia. We divided metaphors into two groups. The first one is about family roles in the family metaphor (the brother, the mother, the sister) and the second one is about family relations such as love, protection, nourishment. As we can see in these examples:</p> <p>That is a recognition to Serbia which is not hesitating to help her Republic of Srpska always and forever; Serbia is our mother; the Republic of Srpska is not able to tie up its little boat except to a big ship like Serbia; The first Vice President of the Government and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić said on Sunday that Serbia has an obligation to protect the Republic of Srpska.</p> <p>Family relations are transferred into relations between the two countries. If we are aware that metaphors reveal some parts of relations and hide other perspectives of the contact, we know that metaphors that are mentioned above speak about love, nourishment, and equal relations between the Republic of Srpska and the Republic of Serbia and on the other hand, there are some parts of relations that stay hidden, such as conflicts, disagreements or confrontations. As Lakoff noticed (1996), these kinds of metaphors in foreign relations will hide interrelations in both countries, like ethnic and religious conflicts, even attitudes of individuals, because individual opinion is maybe different from the behaviour of the country. This paper is based on interdisciplinarity. We included a political analysis in this linguistic research and tried to answer questions such as why this metaphor is used, when it is used and which manipulation mechanism stands behind its usage. We concluded that this metaphor is based on positive thinking and relations and that it is most often in ceremonial occasions such as the National Day of both countries, which actually amplify its emotional strength.</p> 2021-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 JEČAM I KALOPER OR EARLY SORROWS IN A GARDEN OF THE COLOUR OF MALLOW. THEMATISING FAMILY: THREE EXAMPLES IN CONTEM PORARY SERBIAN LITERATURE 2022-03-25T14:09:05+00:00 Ranko V. Popović <p>Generally percieved as utterly outstanding even in the oeuvre of Branko Ćopić and Danilo Kiš, the books <em>A Garden of the Colour of Mellow </em>and <em>Early Sorrows </em>had been critically acclaimed as the most poetic works of Serbian literarature of the 20th century. Almost four decades later, Rajko Petrov Nogo’s glosa <em>Ječam i kaloper </em>(<em>Barley and Costmary) </em>joined the aforementioned two in compatibility of spirit. Consequently, contemporary Serbian literature has been enriched by the entirely distinctive trinity of lyrically structured prose works. All three books are thematically concerned with childhood, family and homeland, each in their own way and to a certain extent, thematising the tragical experience of existence. They are connected by the autobiographical base and narrative perspective that freely fluctuates from a childlike, experienced perspective, to one of subsequent recollection. In a unique manner, a firm inner world has been created in all of them, equally built out of actual facts and the elements of a childlike experience of the real world.</p> 2021-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 FAMILY PORTRAIT IN THE LITERARY FRAME – THEMATISATION OF FAMILY IN THE NEW SERBIAN LITERATURE 2022-03-25T14:12:21+00:00 Snežana M. Milosavljević Milić <p>In literary criticism, the theoretical status of the family is not as homogeneous as their receptive potential might suggest at first. The family is both a motif and a wider thematic complex, a collective character in its own metonymic mirror, which is confirmed through the eponymous function, it is a literary topos, but also a chronotop, a factor of plot integration, the bearer of ideological values of the literary image of the world. Its variability is further complicated within the literary–historical context which models the poetic direction, philosophical paradigm and other different formative discourses. The concept of the family has changed throughout its long history, but it has always been the central motif / character / ideologue around which different narratives have spun. This paper approaches the literary representation of the family in the new Serbian Literature from the perspective of historical poetics. As the basic directions of this representation, mythological, religious–Christian, enlightenment, romantic, realistic, modernist and contemporary, postmodernist viewpoints are highlighted. The discussion also includes the thematization of the family in Serbian oral literature as well as in children’s literature. In the final part of the paper, we draw attention to the linguistic presentations of the concept of family and conceptual metaphors about the family, as well as the conflicting tendencies in current cultural practices, which indicate the scope and limitations of the narrative of family as one of the Grand Narratives.</p> 2021-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 AN INSTANCE OF INTERTEXTUALITY, OR THE WAY MATOVIĆ UNDERSTOOD 2022-03-25T14:15:11+00:00 Tijana M. Koprivica <p>This paper represents the ways in which the contemporary poet Petar Matović in his collections of poetry (Koferi Džima Džarmuša (2009), Odakle dolaze dabrovi (2013), Iz srećne republike (2017), i.e., in the cycles Nove pesme from the selection of poems Ne hleb, već morfjum) 2019) and the cycle Linija fronta (2019)) achieves an intertextual connection with the work of Jovan Hristić, a Serbian poet of the second half of the twentieth century. Starting from the theoretical foundation of the term of intertextuality, Matović's poems in which the intertextual intention was explicitly expressed were initially analysed and then attention was focused on motives, poetic procedures and ideas (like travel, diary, reflexivity, human destiny, summer, sea), that indicate the implicit presence of the older poet's poetics in Matović's poetry. Comparatively examining the poetic texts of the two authors, the sources from which Matović draws as part of his poetic inspiration were found and presented, as well as the process of layering a wider tradition that occurs when choosing literary heritage.</p> 2021-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 SOFRONIJE OPUJIĆ AS AN ETERNAL BACHELOR: INTERTEXTUALITY IN THE NOVEL OF POSLJEDNJA LJUBAV U CARIGRADU BY MILORAD PAVIĆ 2022-03-25T14:18:07+00:00 Tatjana N. Kličković <p>This paper is about one of the key problems of the novel <em>Last Love in Constantinople </em>by Milorad Pavić. It is the problem of the hero’s hesitation before marriage and his problematic relations with his father. The importance of the motif of the eternal groom in Serbian literature was highlighted by the author of the novel himself in one of his scientific works. Intertextual relations of this novel and the novel <em>Migrations </em>by Miloš Crnjanski are observed and, in addition to intertextual relations of this novel and <em>Memoirs </em>by Simeon Piščević, used to explain the delay of marriage of Pavić’s hero and his specific relations to women and his father alike. The intertextual relations are also used to place this novel into a wider context of Serbian literature.</p> 2021-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 BILDUNGSROMAN AS A NECESSITY IN THE CURRICULUM: REFLECTING ON THE NOVEL BAKONJA FRA BRNE BY SIMO MATAVULJ 2022-03-25T14:25:44+00:00 Milan D. Vurdelja <p>The main premise of this paper refers to the possibility of defining Simo Matavulj's novel <em>Bakonja fa Brne </em>as a bildungsroman from the period of late realism in Serbian literature. Besides this, the research points out the necessity of including this question as a part of a school interpretation of the novel. Regarding that, the genre analysis is followed by a description of a methodical approach to the various layers in the artistic quality of Matavulj's novel.</p> <p>Therefore, research can also be treated as a possible basis for a wider examination of not only the share Matavulj's work has in the current high school curriculum, but also the importance of so-called functional terms in relation to Matavulj's prose.</p> 2021-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021